Authored by Ashley Candreva

‘Le Tomahawk,’ Newsletter for the XIX Corps, issue No. 1. 1944-06-18. Regarding the invasion of Normandy. Created by Major Ray Craft.
Le Tomahawk is a corps newsletter created by Major Ray Craft [1] for the XIX Corps[2], which at the time this newsletter was written was made up of the 2nd and 3rd armored divisions, and 29th and 30th infantry divisions in WWII [3]. Ray Craft was a newsman from California who was the aide to Major General Charles H. Corlett [4], commanding general of the XIX corps beginning in April 1944. The XIX are most notable for their participation in D-Day, with the 29th infantry division[5] being 1 of 2 of the first divisions to land on the beach in Normandy on Omaha beach [6].